Let me in


  • TunSalat

    Fusion uauauaua come on.. :) You know me. I'm nice, I make some jokes. Ok so I said some small insults like "schrott müll kacke, deine mutter". Just training my german. Please let me back in :) I will behave, but I will frag you heeee

    ❤️ 0
  • UESE

    come next day i make next day your bann remove. press !rules in crysis

    ❤️ 0
  • HoneY^

    this tuna fish is best player

    ❤️ 1
  • mynameiskc

    Hey is this crysis 1 for pc multiplayer ? i have it and i downloaded the server. im new and wondering if anyone wants to play

    ❤️ 1
  • TunSalat

    Yes we play often. Try later today/tonight. We have plenty of servers and don't need new servers

    ❤️ 0