Archiving Maps For SSMSafeWriting


  • UNU

    ::INSTRUCTIONS: ::1. Create a txt file name it how you want ::2. copy paste this text ::3. Save the file with the name you chose with .bat estension example MYFILENAME.bat ::4. This file runs ONLY from Crysis game folder \\Multiplayer folder so if you have crysis on C: drive then its \"C:\\Crysis\\Game\\Levels\\Multiplayer\" ::5. Thx to Youda [codestart] @echo off echo ...Creating temporary directory Levels\\Multiplayer\\IA,PS echo. set pathdir=\"%~dp0\" MD IAoutput set IAoutputdir=%pathdir%\\IAoutput @echo InstantAction: TIMEOUT 2 >nul cd IA for /D %%d in (*.*) do ( MD %pathdir%\\Levels\\Multiplayer\\IA\\%%d @echo packing %%d xcopy /s/e %%d %pathdir%\\Levels\\Multiplayer\\IA\\%%d >nul \"c:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe\" a -tzip %IAoutputdir%\\ %pathdir%\\Levels >nul Echo OK RD /S /Q %pathdir%\\Levels ) cd.. MD PSoutput set PSoutputdir=%pathdir%\\PSoutput @echo PowerStruggle: TIMEOUT 2 >nul cd %pathdir%/PS for /D %%d in (*.*) do ( MD %pathdir%\\Levels\\Multiplayer\\PS\\%%d @echo packing %%d xcopy /s/e %%d %pathdir%\\Levels\\Multiplayer\\PS\\%%d >nul \"c:\\Program Files\\7-Zip\\7z.exe\" a -tzip %PSoutputdir%\\ %pathdir%\\Levels >nul Echo OK RD /S /Q %pathdir%\\Levels ) echo Program Finished cd .. pause [codeend]

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  • sahkaya


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  • UNU


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  • DSnipeFunk

    A conversation of extreme complexity ;)

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  • UNU

    its encrypted so nobody can understand xd xd :)

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