Please, Update your CryMP client

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  • Zi;

    Sorry that I'm late but I'm out of my country lately, Comrade is basically right, antiviruses simply treat executables without signature as suspicious, thing is, since CryMP is nonprofit, affording certificate with few years validity in order to sign executable that costs about 300$ is pretty damn much. There is nothing to worry about, after all new client is fully open source, so in case of mistrust, anyone with coding skills can review the code and make his own executables

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  • Freebo

    Zi thanks for the confirmation DaJunkie
    Wow Freebo, it hit's hard when you put it like that, I hadn't thought the net was not for the people, but it makes more sense when I think about it.
    Since you addressed it DaJunkie - I will give you just a private hint - but it's just a tip of the iceberg. I won't expand it here on forum. Just few thoughts for your eyes only. Warning 100% off topic. Dismiss that below, nothing to see here. About internet - Let me put it this way. As we all know internet was released to the public in the early 90's - just like TV was in the 50's. Here is the hint: How hard is to see and know what was the purpose of TV in the 50's (and is still) besides the entertainment - as official version? The purpose is not a secret of course. Even Wikipedia tells it. It was planned to be a tool in hands of some groups to "create opinions", "controll" and show "fabricated facts". People know it. Yet they forget about it and go with the "program". (there is where "Televison Program" comes from btw - it was programming us) Now - believing - like we all have for years - that so amazing thing like internet, which would be obviously dangerous in plain people's hands, was anyway released from government usage (which was created for obviously) to private hands just for free - just to make people more happy, make them more free and let them share their "own" opinions in privacy - is way more than naive. You have to admit that. It's just more advanced version of what TV was doing for 60 years. Now with internet it's not only showing what to do or what to know and what to think - but it's also knowing what certain people are thinking, what they are doing and what is needed to make them change their opinions if needed - and sometimes make them become keyboard wariors to fight on behalf of controllers like mindless sheeps. Well it would be still quite neutral - like it was in 90's and early 2000 - but what's happening now (last 6 years) with 24/7 smartphones planted directly in people's brains, FB BS replacing whole internet and other stuff - shows clearly what it's all about, and finally it reveals what was the purpose of internet right from the start. Easy to see especially to those who don't ignore those obvious symptoms. Besides, more lates regulations over internet users, when the user has less and less rights and has no influence on those new changes whatsoever (changes made "for their good" allegedly) - makes it all even more clear. So believing that internet is "for the people" simply keeps alive the illusion which is opposite to the reality. To know all that - we don't need to read about it anywhere - or follow anybody. Because you've got it 100% right DaJunkie - 15 minutes of independent thinking is enough to see the real picture. You said "it makes sense when you think about it" - Exactly - Yet 90% of people don't think independently anymore. Some will fight you even if you show them the evidence. And here comes the best part: This is exactly the proof that TV, internet, FB and smartphones - are working the way they were designed to. Most of the people can't think any more thanks to those "amazing gifts" which they allegedly received to make them "free", "independent" and happy to contact people and share opinions. Keyboard warriors will fight with you on behalf of the illusion. So better... Shhh... and don't tell anyone. Just let's pretend we don't know. Nobody will find out and we can continue our adventure with internet freedom as before. oops... google is already scanning this post. my bad. too late. oh.. damn it. Have fun.

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  • SashsBrest


    This client- its total shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2 days i join in all servers 20 minutes each. and game very very lag and crash all time!

    Where all players? with new client all servers empty

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  • SashsBrest

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  • SashsBrest

    LOOK" target="_blank">" style="max-width: 100% cursor: pointer;">

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  • Freebo

    Interesting info Sashs. This client seems fine to me personally. But maybe it wasn't tested long enough. Maybe people really can't join. I'm not an expert of this version. It was supposed to be safer and more universal client - so this was the reason for the change and worked good for testers. I loved some new features of it. So if it really don't work for people - I don't know. You need to ask other people for their opinion. If it's really that bad - maybe we will have to return to previous version of client. Unless some fix is possible - but only Zi is the master of clients here. So if you see the problem you need to descibe it with details. Zi will finally find the way for sure - at worst (if it really don't work for people) previous version would be the only solution. Otherwise network dies right in the moment when it was the most alive and players most active every day. Changes are always risky - but it's the only way to progress with things.

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  • SashsBrest

    Hi Freebo,even by the number of players on the servers in recent days can be seen,that something is wrong with new client.

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  • Freebo

    Ok thanks for noticing that. I wasn't checking the list for last few days. I just check forum. So i didn't know. Let's wait for the weekend and opinion of others. We will know in 2-3 days probably. Thanks again and relax. Maybe it's some kind of coinsidence only... or maybe not. See you later.

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  • Zi;

    What is your CPU? Maybe try changing game.exe in shortcut to Crysis.exe If more complaints come, I can put back old client (you will only have to install it using old installer again)

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  • Zi;

    And after you using 32 bit or 64 bit version? If 64 bit, try 32bir and see if it crashes as often

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