Please, Update your CryMP client

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  • DaJunkie

    Thanks Aigami I'll do that...

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  • Freebo

    It may be the reson because my Avast was also trying to block game.exe a while ago - or put it into quarantine. Sometimes I have to disable Avast software to install things. If you don't feel like trying to restore game.exe - please leave it for now and wait for Zi's answer here. It's for you to decide. In my opinion it should be safe but since I was always very safe with files installed on my PC - maybe I would just wait here for answer before restoring it. Unless you just can't wait and have to play right now. I would wait. But should be safe to restore anyway - I don't have problems with it - so good luck.

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  • Lycor

    Thats why you should not install such Junk like Avast Antivirus or McAfee Antivirus. Just consuming CPU Performance. In my opinion Windows 10 WinDefender works better than both previous mentioned programs together. If you really need a good antivirus program you should change to Malwarebytes. The problem you have mentioned before is definitely caused by your antivirus.

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  • DaJunkie

    Thanks Freebo, I'll take your advice and wait, least it wont harm to wait. Thanks for all you help man.

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  • DaJunkie

    Yes Aigami, I am starting to think you are right, McAfee does a decent job on one level but it is a pain. Time to change. Cheers buddy, I'll hang on for Zi, see what he advises, but thanks for all your input.... :)

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  • Comrade

    Hello, modern versions of Windows and antivirus solutions treat all executables without valid digital signature as something dangerous. Even downloading files from website without HTTPS is treated as dangerous. Same with login on such websites. You may have noticed that your browser marks website as unsecure or something like that. It's going to be even worse in the future, but sadly, trusted SSL certificates are expensive and code signing certificates are even more expensive. Especially EV certificates (these are automatically considered as safe). So it's not easy to obtain these things for small non-commercial projects like CryMP. To your problem: "game.exe" is added by the installer and it's used to launch Crysis. 32-bit version of this file lives in Bin32 directory and 64-bit one in Bin64 directory. These are the only .exe files added by the installer and both don't have any digital signature so McAfee preventively blocked them and removed desktop shortcuts pointing to them. The best solution is to restore the game.exe files. By the way, McAfee is probably the worst garbage which was ever created. No offense, just little advice. :) I hope the problem is going to be resolved soon for you. Several other players also reported some problems with the update, but for most players it's just fine.

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  • Freebo

    About Avast. I agree Avast IS a junk. I have Avast only on other PC which I use to test things - I don't treat it as serious software ever and it is bringing more problems than help. But there are periods I don't have AVG on that - so just in case Avast is there. On this/main PC I'm using AVG for last 5 years, not expensive - and works very well. I'm using Win7 5 years now - and I never had any serious virus infection thanks to AVG. Believe me or not - I work on PC 15 hours a day - So this Win7 was working already 25.000 hours - and didn't have to reinstall or fix my Windows 7 for whole 5 years. AVG plays a huge part in it for sure. I feel 100% secure with it. But yeah Avast - I wouldn't use it on my main PC, even though many people I know are using it. I wouldn't recomend it ever. I think 15$ - 20$ a year (sometimes just 5$) - for AVG as firewall and anti-vir is really worth the money. Using free solutions even directly from Microsoft wouldn't give me this confidence. That doesn't mean we're not being spied. That only means third part software is not allowed to mess with our system thanks to things like AVG.

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  • DaJunkie

    Thanks guy's I have UPDATE for you.. To Comrade, thanks for your input. To Freebo, I get what your saying, and thanks man.... Update... I contacted McAfee and had them remote assist my computer, the guy has restored the file in question; game.exe I opened the game again and was able to enter, it runs fine now.... The technician For McAfee asked me to send email stating False file and giving the file name... I will do this shortly.. He said doing this, the file will be added to their library and should help with other gamers having same issue. Guy's thanks again for all your help, very much appreciated Over and out DaJunkie.

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  • Freebo

    OK. Nice to see that it's working after restoring. But I'm sure those exe files, both: installer and game.exe can be a problem for some players and their anti-vir software in the future - to connect the game. There is no perfect solution though. So we have no choice. Let's just hope it won't cause serious problems. If so... RIP Crysis MP. Thanks to this network - It lives 4 years longer than GameSpy would allow. So it's not so bad. But internet is getting more and more sick now. 4 Years ago I thought CryMP.Net could last for 20 years. And I really meant those 20 years that time, even though I was considering few problems already and things which can happen. Right now - I'm not sure about months because of constant changes in internet rules. It can stop any day. Literally. Internet is NOT for the people as many naive would think. Our petitions or debates won't be even treate seriously. You check Google or Youtube cases. Changers are never FOR the users. We have to adjust or dissapear. Never know the closest future. At worst - LAN can be always an option. Use the network and play with many others while you can though. Crysis MP is worth it. Anyway - Have fun DaJunkie! At least you can play now - for a while.

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  • DaJunkie

    Wow Freebo, it hit's hard when you put it like that, I hadn't thought the net was not for the people, but it makes more sense when I think about it. The world is a changing my friend, who knows what it will look like in 10 years time, less even. Play long and play hard, at least for the time being. I appreciate the efforts of guy's like you and the others, even if we are only talking gaming. So big up thanks buddy. It's a generous thing you do here. Respect.......

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